Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hidden meaning behind Jonghyun's composed song?

Omggggggggg!Jonghyun damn Handsome rightttt?:)
He is my second love after TaeMin !
Okay,back to topic!
 Jonghyun gave hint for fans to decipher the hidden meaning in "Obsession" that he participated in composing.
The 2 hints are "The woman left towards a place that could never be seen again" and "The man has a dual personality and is suffering from a mental illness".
The lyrics were written after he was inspired by a novel that he had read,and you will be greatly surprised if you knew the true meaning.
So Do you have any clue about the hidden meaning behind "Obsession"?
Well, I, myself do not have any clue about it too :(
So we have to wait till Jonghyun to reveals it!

Posted by Khoo Luan Ting!

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